Day Two.

This will be short, as I need to go to bed soon.


Today was both easier and harder than yesterday.  Easier, in that it was a much shorter day, started at a civilized hour, and involved less of the info-overload I’ve been getting up to now.  Harder, because now I know what all that info-overload has been for: they’re not kidding about those side-effects.  I barely had an appetite today – one bowl of pasta was about it.  Tried to drink a lot of water, but spent so much of the afternoon and evening conked out in the easy chair that I didn’t get a lot down.  Plus, one of these damned drugs is giving me low-grade hiccups that seem to go on and on for no reason.  The anti-nausea drugs seem to work pretty well, so that’s fortunately not been an issue, but the tiredness really hit me hard today.  I can only assume tomorrow will be more of the same.  Bleah.


I hope this all passes next week and I can get to feeling more myself again.  I actually had to voluntarily pass on a gig tomorrow, which annoyed me greatly.  All in the cause of better health, though, needs must and all that.


Not much else to say right now, will post again soon.

3 thoughts on “Day Two.

  1. Thinking about you, Gordon- and though I’ll miss you today, I’m glad you’ll have a chance to get the rest you need.

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